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Brad Meltzer

Review by Bob Lane, MA - Metapsychology
Review by Bob Lane, MAMetapsychology, NYIn Dead Even Brad Meltzer does his best to mix all of those ingredients in a balanced recipe, but he doesn't quite bring it off. The husband and wife lawyers, Jared and Sarah, are locked in a life and death battle as they face off in what appears to be ...See the Web Site, Buy the Book - New York Times
See the Web Site, Buy the BookNew York Times, United StatesBrad Meltzer made three videos with Expanded Books for his latest thriller, ?The Book of Lies.? For one, he wrote a script and cast friends, including Joss Whedon, the creator of ?Buffy the Vampire Slayer,? and Christopher Hitchens, who contributes ...Brevard County libraries host literary festival all month - Hometown News
Brevard County libraries host literary festival all monthHometown News, FLBrad Meltzer, author of legal thrillers "Book of Fate" and "Book of Lies," will be the guest of honor at the Friends of the Library Book and Author Luncheon, Feb. 7 at the Cocoa Beach Holiday Inn. Tickets are $20 and can be reserved by calling (321) ...Once the fog clears ... - Southtown Star
Once the fog clears ...Southtown Star, ILBY Terri Schlichenmeyer Correspondent In the new novel "The Book of Lies" by Brad Meltzer, a rare and nearly unknown comic book is so priceless that the cost to have it may be death. When he was 9 years old, Calvin Harper watched his father push his ...Was Keynes Right? - Newsweek
Was Keynes Right?NewsweekSome economists, like Allan Meltzer of Carnegie Mellon, are absolutely sure of the opposite: "I think this is the introduction to a disaster," Meltzer says. "We're going to face a big inflation. Everybody talks about how much we need to do now. ...Archive
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