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Jack Valenti

Post: Jack Valenti's sexuality 'consumed' Hoover's FBI - USA Today
Post: Jack Valenti's sexuality 'consumed' Hoover's FBIUSA TodayJ. Edgar Hoover's FBI was "quietly consumed" with the question of whether top LBJ aide Jack Valenti was gay, The Washington Post reports, citing previously confidential FBI reports. The affable and charming Valenti, who died two years ago at age 85, ...Valenti's Sexuality Was Topic For FBI Washington PostIs PBS Harboring the Man Who Lead the Jack Valenti Homo Hunt? GawkerJ. Edgar Moyers The Weekly Standardall 7 news articlesJack Valenti, Gay Blade? - Houston Press
Jack Valenti, Gay Blade?Houston Press, TXBy Richard Connelly in Political Animals Was the late Jack Valenti -- famous Houstonian, former Lyndon Johnson aide, former head of Hollywood's MPAA, namesake of the Valenti School of Communications at UH -- as gay as a Sondheim song? ...Steve Rothaus - MiamiHerald.com
Steve RothausMiamiHerald.com, FLBy Joe Stephens, Washington Post Staff Writer When Beltway insider Jack Valenti died two years ago at age 85, he was playing the role of intermediary between Washington and Hollywood as the theatrical, snowy-haired president of the Motion Picture ...A Helping Hand for (Some) Homeowners - Slate
A Helping Hand for (Some) HomeownersSlateThe WP off-leads newly released documents that show that in 1964, "J. Edgar Hoover's FBI found itself quietly consumed with the vexing question" of whether Jack Valenti was gay. Valenti, who died two years ago and was head of the Motion Picture ...FBI Probed Hollywood's Jack Valenti for Mob Ties - NewsMax.com
FBI Probed Hollywood's Jack Valenti for Mob TiesNewsMax.com, FLJack Valenti, a top aide to President Lyndon B. Johnson and longtime president of the Motion Picture Association of America, was investigated by the FBI for his relationships with a "top hoodlum." Documents obtained by Newsmax under the Freedom of ...Jack Valenti
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